Random Color Generator


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Random Color Generator is one of the multiple versatile tools freely available on the ColorDesigner website. The tool essentially allows the user to generate one or up to forty different random colors based on the settings provided and displays them on the screen along with other additional information such as the HEX code and RGB and HSL values.

How to use

To use the Random Color Generator, you will need to start by choosing one of the settings options and each of those will determine the outcome of your color or an array of colors. There are currently two options available to choose from, Fully Random and Custom Settings. Once you are happy with your choices and settings, simply click on the Generate button and all your colors will be displayed along with their RGB and HSL values as well as the HEX codes.


Fully Random

The Fully Random preset allows the user to generate an array of different colors without allowing the user to influence any other settings aside from the number of colors that are generated. The number of generated colors can be controlled by moving the red slider left or right. Depending on the user’s choice, the Random Color Generator can generate as few as a single color or as many as forty different colors.

Custom Settings

The Custom Settings preset gives the user a little more control over the generated colors. Aside from being able to choose the number of generated colors, the user can also tweak different settings such as Hue and Luminosity. The Hue allows the user to choose one of the basic primary or secondary starting colors to generate others from, while the Luminosity setting allows the user to tweak the brightness of the generated colors. Either of these two settings can also remain random depending on the user’s preference.

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